mysql innodb_log_buffer_size,在mysql中设置正确的innodb_log_file_size-程序员宅基地

技术标签: mysql innodb_log_buffer_size  

We ran an alter table today today that took down the DB. We failed over to the slave, and in the post-mortem, we discovered this in the mysql error.log

InnoDB: ERROR: the age of the last checkpoint is 90608129,

InnoDB: which exceeds the log group capacity 90593280.

InnoDB: If you are using big BLOB or TEXT rows, you must set the

InnoDB: combined size of log files at least 10 times bigger than the

InnoDB: largest such row.

This error rings true because we were working on a very large table that contains BLOB data types.

The best answer we found online said

To solve it, you need to stop MySQL cleanly (very important), delete the existing InnoDB log files (probably lb_logfile* in your MySQL data directory, unless you've moved them), then adjust the innodb_log_file_size to suit your needs, and then start MySQL again. This article from the MySQL performance blog might be instructive.

and in the comments

Yes, the database server will effectively hang for any updates to InnoDB tables when the log fills up. It can cripple a site.

which is I guess what happened, based on our current (default) innodb_log_file_size of 48mb?



| Variable_name | Value |


| innodb_log_buffer_size | 8388608 |

| innodb_log_compressed_pages | ON |

| innodb_log_file_size | 50331648 |

| innodb_log_files_in_group | 2 |

| innodb_log_group_home_dir | ./ |


So, this leads me to two pointed questions and one open-ended one:

How do we determine the largest row so we can set our innodb_log_file_size to be bigger than that?

What is the consequence of the action in step 1? I'd read about long recovery times with bigger logs.

Is there anything else I should worry about regarding migrations, considering that we have a large table (650k rows, 6169.8GB) with unrestrained, variable length BLOB fields.

We're running mysql 5.6 and here's our my.cnf.



basedir = /opt/mysql/server-5.6

datadir = /var/lib/mysql

port = 3306

socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

tmpdir = /tmp

bind-address =


log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log

expire_logs_days = 4

slow_query_log = on

long_query_time = 1

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 11G


collation-server = utf8_bin

init-connect ='SET NAMES utf8'

init_connect ='SET collation_connection = utf8_bin'

character-set-server = utf8

max_allowed_packet = 64M



query_cache_size = 268435456

query_cache_type = 1

query_cache_limit = 1048576


As a follow-up to the suggestions listed below, I began investigation into the file size of the table in question. I ran a script that wrote the combined byte size of the three BLOB fields to a table called pen_sizes. Here's the result of getting the largest byte size:

select pen_size as bytes,·

pen_size / 1024 / 1024 as mb,·

pen_id from pen_sizes

group by pen_id

order by bytes desc

limit 40


| bytes | mb | pen_id |


| 3542620 | 3.37850571 | 84816 |

| 3379107 | 3.22256756 | 74796 |

| 3019237 | 2.87936878 | 569726 |

| 3019237 | 2.87936878 | 576506 |

| 3019237 | 2.87936878 | 576507 |

| 2703177 | 2.57795048 | 346965 |

| 2703177 | 2.57795048 | 346964 |

| 2703177 | 2.57795048 | 93706 |

| 2064807 | 1.96915340 | 154627 |

| 2048592 | 1.95368958 | 237514 |

| 2000695 | 1.90801144 | 46798 |

| 1843034 | 1.75765419 | 231988 |

| 1843024 | 1.75764465 | 230423 |

| 1820514 | 1.73617744 | 76745 |

| 1795494 | 1.71231651 | 650208 |

| 1785353 | 1.70264530 | 74912 |

| 1754059 | 1.67280102 | 444932 |

| 1752609 | 1.67141819 | 76607 |

| 1711492 | 1.63220596 | 224574 |

| 1632405 | 1.55678272 | 76188 |

| 1500157 | 1.43066120 | 77256 |

| 1494572 | 1.42533493 | 137184 |

| 1478692 | 1.41019058 | 238547 |

| 1456973 | 1.38947773 | 181379 |

| 1433240 | 1.36684418 | 77631 |

| 1421452 | 1.35560226 | 102930 |

| 1383872 | 1.31976318 | 77627 |

| 1359317 | 1.29634571 | 454109 |

| 1355701 | 1.29289722 | 631811 |

| 1343621 | 1.28137684 | 75256 |

| 1343621 | 1.28137684 | 75257 |

| 1334071 | 1.27226925 | 77626 |

| 1327063 | 1.26558590 | 129731 |

| 1320627 | 1.25944805 | 636914 |

| 1231918 | 1.17484856 | 117269 |

| 1223975 | 1.16727352 | 75103 |

| 1220233 | 1.16370487 | 326462 |

| 1220233 | 1.16370487 | 326463 |

| 1203432 | 1.14768219 | 183967 |

| 1200373 | 1.14476490 | 420360 |


This makes me believe that the average row size is closer to 1mb than the 10 suggested. Maybe the table size I listed earlier includes the indexes, too?

I ran

SELECT table_name AS "Tables",

round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) "Size in MB"

FROM information_schema.TABLES

WHERE table_schema = 'codepen'


| Tables | Size in MB |



| pens | 6287.89 |



0. Preliminary information

Your settings:

innodb_log_file_size = 50331648

innodb_log_files_in_group = 2

Therefore your "log group capacity" = 2 x 50331648 = 96 MB

1. How to determine the largest row

There is no direct method. But one can easily calculate the size of one given row based on these tables (compression should not matter to us here, if, as I assume, rows are not compressed in the log files).

2. Impact of innodb_log_file_size

The larger the value, the less checkpoint flush activity is needed in the buffer pool, saving disk I/O. Larger log files also make crash recovery slower, although improvements to recovery performance in MySQL 5.5 and higher make the log file size less of a consideration.

3. Anything else to worry about

6169.8 GB / 650k rows = about 10 MB per row on average

This is a serious problem per se if you intend to use your database in a transactional, multi-user situation. Consider storing your BLOB's as files outside of the database. Or, at least, store them in a separate MyISAM (non-transactional) table.

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