考研英语复试问答题(一)University Life and Study_can you recall one exciting experience you have go-程序员宅基地

技术标签: 计算机考研复试  

TOPIC:University Life and Study

1. Would you like to say something about your university?

I graduated from South China Normal University which has a long history.It gradually developed into a comprehensive university with generations of efforts,  especially after the reform and opening-up.Various research institutes were set up.There are teaching research experimental bases, too.Looking back on the years I have spent there,  I'm really thankful to her for enriching my knowledge.

2. How do you benefit from your university?

I have been studying in my university for about four years.I enjoyed it very much.It could be regarded as the most wonderful part of my life and I benefited a lot from my university.Firstly, I had good teachers who devoted themselves to teaching us knowledge.Secondly, there were interesting,  friendly classmates and close friends with whom I could often talk and share my happiness and sadness.Thirdly, the campus activities were so interesting that I often involved myself in them,  which gave me wide room to develop the abilities of cooperation,  competition and creativity.My university life,  therefore, paved the way for my successful future.

3. Could you sum up your own study habits in your university briefly?

Of course, I think there are three points about my study habits.Firstly, I go to bed early and get up early so as to keep myself energetic.Secondly, I pay attention to my work efficiency.I will do the most important task in my most productive time of my day.Thirdly, I believe my health is vital.I often do some physical exercise in the spare time.

4. Tell us something about your major in the university.

5. Do you think a university education equals a successful future?

I don't really think so.Definitely, a university educationis one of the basic requirements to compete in the job market.Without that, we can't even stand in the waiting line.But we should realize that the knowledge or special technique with which the university education can furnish us is most likely theoretical.Before we put it into practice,  we will never know whether it's going to work or not.Therefore, it's better to say a university education is a precondition for a successful future.

6. What have you got from your study for your career?

Computer Science is a field that is developing faster than any other fields.I am becoming more and more interested in this subject.I hope I can make some achievements in this field.So I believe that further study in this field will help me with my career.It will be the most important foundation for my future career.

7. What is the most important skill you have acquired at college?

Besides all the courses taken,  I have also acquired another important skill at college which will benefit me all through my life.That is, the way to communicate with others. Of course, at the first several weeks in college,  it was just hard for me even to adapt to the new environment,  not to mention having a good conversation with others.But gradually, with the help of my roommates,  classmates, together with teachers,  I started to learn the way of getting along with people around—to be generous,  kind and helpful.

8. Can you recall one exciting experience you have got at college?

Well, there are lots of unforgettable experiences in my college life.Among them, the successful performance of a dance which learned by ourselves should rank the top.The applause and flowers we received after the performance are still vivid in my mind.It is really the most exciting experience I have got during my college life.

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