Android ListView 滑动背景为黑色的解决办法_android ,滑动时背景闪烁黑色。-程序员宅基地

技术标签: cache  performance  optimization  listview  android  list  Android  


在Android中,ListView是最常用的一个控件,在做UI设计的时候,很多人希望能够改变一下它的背景,使他能够符合整体的UI设计,改变背景背很简单只需要准备一张图片然后指定属性 android:background="@drawable/bg",不过不要高兴地太早,当你这么做以后,发现背景是变了,但是当你拖动,或者点击list空白位置的时候发现ListItem都变成黑色的了,破坏了整体效果,如下图所示:










在ListView中我们使用属性 android:divider="#FF0000" 定义分隔符为红色,当然这里值可以指向一个drawable图片对象,如果使用了图片可能高度大于系统默认的像素,可以自己设置高度比如6个像素 android:dividerHeight="6px" ,Android开发网提示当然在Java中ListView也有相关方法可以设置。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@android:color/transparent" />
<color name="transparent">#50000000</color>







2 、listview的上边和下边有黑色的阴影。




针对以上问题 在listview的xml文件中设置一下语句。


问题1 有如下代码结解决 android:scrollingCache="false"


问题2 用如下代码解决:android:fadingEdge="none" 
问题3 用如下代码解决: android:divider="@drawable/list_driver" 其中 @drawable/list_driver 是一个图片资源









Why is my list black? An Android optimization




ListView is one of Android's most widely used widgets. It is rather easy to use, very flexible and incredibly powerful. ListView can also be difficult to understand at times.

One of the most common issues with ListView happens when you try to use a custom background. By default, like many Android widgets, ListView has a transparent background which means yo can see through the default window's background, a very dark gray (#FF191919 with the current dark theme.) Additionally, ListView enables the fading edges by default, as you can see at the top of the following screenshot; the first text item gradually fades to black. This technique is used throughout the system to indicate that the container can be scrolled.

Android's default ListView

The fade effect is implemented using a combination of Canvas.saveLayerAlpha() and the Porter-Duff Destination Out blending mode. This technique is similar to the one explained in Filthy Rich Clients and various presentations. Unfortunately, things start to get ugly when you try to use a custom background on the ListView or when you change the window's background. The following two screenshots show what happens in an application when you change the window's background. The left image shows what the list looks like by default and the right image shows what the list looks like during a scroll initiated with a touch gesture:

Dark fade Dark list

This rendering issue is caused by an optimization of the Android framework enabled by default on all instances ofListView (for some reason, I forgot to enable it by default on GridView.) I mentioned earlier that the fade effect is implemented using a Porter-Duff blending mode. This implementation works really well but is unfortunately very costly and can bring down drawing performance by quite a bit as it requires to capture a portion of the rendering in an offscreen bitmap and then requires extra blending (which implies readbacks from memory.)

Since ListView is most of the time displayed on a solid background, there is no reason to go down that expensive route. That's why we introduced an optimization called the "cache color hint." The cache color hint is an RGB color set by default to the window's background color, that is #191919 in Android's dark theme. When this hint is set, ListView (actually, its base class View) knows it will draw on a solid background and therefore replaces th expensive saveLayerAlpha()/Porter-Duff rendering with a simple gradient. This gradient goes from fully transparent to the cache color hint value and this is exactly what you see on the image above, with the dark gradient at the bottom of the list. However, this still does not explain why the entire list turns black during a scroll.

As I said before, ListView has a transparent/translucent background by default, and so all default Android widgets. This implies that when ListView redraws its children, it has to blend the children with the window's background. Once again, this requires costly readbacks from memory that are particularly painful during a scroll or a fling when drawing happens dozen of times per second. To improve drawing performance during scrolling operations, the Android framework reuses the cache color hint. When this hint is set, the framework copies each child of the list in a Bitmap filled with the hint value (this assumes that another optimization, called scrolling cache, is not turned off.) ListView then blits these bitmaps directly on screen and because these bitmaps are known to be opaque, no blending is required. And since the default cache color hint is #191919, you get a dark background behind each item during a scroll.

To fix this issue, all you have to do is either disable the cache color hint optimization, if you use a non-solid color background, or set the hint to the appropriate solid color value. This can be dome from code or preferably from XML, by using the android:cacheColorHint attribute. To disable the optimization, simply use the transparent color #00000000. The following screenshot shows a list with android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" set in the XML layout file:

Fade on a custom background

As you can see, the fade works perfectly against the custom wooden background. I find the cache color hint feature interesting because it shows how optimizations can make developers' life more difficult in some situations. In this particular case, however, the benefit of the default behavior outweighs the added complexity for the developer.

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