如何查看,删除和清除Google Chrome浏览器历史记录?-程序员宅基地

技术标签: qt  chrome  html5  html  etl  

Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the IT world. Google Chrome is provided for different platforms and operating systems like Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. User browsing history is stored in Google Chrome. This browser history can create some privacy problems. We can view, delete, and clear Chrome Browser history where we will learn in this tutorial.

Google Chrome浏览器是IT界最受欢迎的浏览器。 提供了适用于Windows,Linux,Android,iOS等不同平台和操作系统的Google Chrome。用户浏览历史记录存储在Google Chrome中。 此浏览器历史记录可能会导致一些隐私问题。 我们可以查看,删除和清除Chrome浏览器的历史记录,并在本教程中学习。

查看Android Google Chrome历史记录 (View Android Google Chrome History)

Chrome Android provides a similar experience to the Chrome desktop version. We can open and view Chrome history from the right menu and History menu item like below.

Chrome Android提供了与Chrome桌面版本相似的体验。 我们可以从右侧菜单和“ History菜单项打开和查看Chrome历史记录,如下所示。

View Android Google Chrome History
View Android Google Chrome History
查看Android Google Chrome历史记录

We will see the following History screen. This screen contains information about the web page title, web page URL, visit date information about out history. We can remove or delete specific history record from the record line or use the x in order to delete all history from the upper right corner.

我们将看到以下“历史记录”屏幕。 该屏幕包含有关网页标题,网页URL以及访问日期信息的历史信息。 我们可以从记录行中删除或删除特定的历史记录,或者使用x来删除右上角的所有历史记录。

View Android Google Chrome History
View Android Google Chrome History
查看Android Google Chrome历史记录

查看Windows,Linux(Ubuntu,Mint,Fedora)Google Chrome历史记录(View Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora) Google Chrome History)

Google Chrome history tab can be opened in different ways in Windows operating system. We can use keyboard shortcuts, menu, or address bar in order to open and view Chrome History.

可以在Windows操作系统中以不同方式打开Goog​​le Chrome浏览器历史记录标签。 我们可以使用键盘快捷键,菜单或地址栏来打开和查看Chrome历史记录。

使用CTRL + H快捷键打开 (Open with CTRL+H Shortcut)

The easiest and fastest way to open Chrome history is by using a keyboard shortcut. We will use the CTRL+H shortcut to open history. This means while pressing Control also press H.

打开Chrome历史记录的最简单,最快的方法是使用键盘快捷键。 我们将使用CTRL + H快捷方式打开历史记录。 这意味着在按Control的同时也按H。


从Chrome菜单打开 (Open From Chrome Menu)

We can also use the Chrome menu to open and view history. We will click on the menu button from the upper right. Then we will open the History menu and history menu items like below.

我们还可以使用Chrome菜单打开和查看历史记录。 我们将点击右上方的菜单按钮。 然后,我们将打开“历史记录”菜单和“历史记录”菜单项,如下所示。

Open From Chrome Menu
Open From Chrome Menu

从地址栏打开(Open From Address Bar)

As Google Chrome is a very talented browser we can use Address Bar for a lot of different actions and configurations. We can open the History tab by using the following address.

由于Google Chrome浏览器是一种非常有才华的浏览器,因此我们可以使用地址栏进行许多不同的操作和配置。 我们可以使用以下地址打开“历史记录”选项卡。

Open From Address Bar
Open From Address Bar

清除或删除Android Google Chrome历史记录(Clear or Delete Android Google Chrome History)

We can delete Google Chrome history from the Android by using CLEAR BROWSING DATA button from the history tab like below.

我们可以使用以下历史记录选项卡中的“ CLEAR BROWSING DATA按钮从Android删除Google Chrome历史记录。

Clear or Delete Android Google Chrome History
Clear or Delete Android Google Chrome History
清除或删除Android Google Chrome历史记录

清除或删除Windows,Linux(Ubuntu,Mint,Fedora)Google Chrome浏览器历史记录(Clear or Delete Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora) Google Chrome History)

After opening Google Chrome History we can use different ways to clear browsing history. We have two way to clear browsing history those are Clear browsing data button and clearBrowserData address.

打开Goog​​le Chrome浏览器历史记录后,我们可以使用多种方法清除浏览历史记录。 我们有两种清除浏览历史记录的方法,即Clear browsing data按钮和clearBrowserData地址。

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清除浏览数据按钮 (Clear browsing data Button)

We can use the Clear browsing data button from the left panel.

我们可以使用左侧面板中的Clear browsing data按钮。

Clear browsing data Button
Clear browsing data Button

清除浏览器数据地址栏(Clear Browser Data Address Bar)

Alternatively, we can use the Address Bar for the following command. This will call clearBrowserData function from the settings.

另外,我们可以将地址栏用于以下命令。 这将从设置中调用clearBrowserData函数。

clearBrowserData Address Bar
clearBrowserData Address Bar

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-view-delete-and-clear-google-chrome-browser-history/

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