windows 10arm_什么是ARM上的Windows 10,它有什么不同?-程序员宅基地

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windows 10arm

windows 10arm

Microsoft just launched a version of Windows 10 that will run on low-powered ARM hardware. Unlike Windows RT, the version of Windows 8 that powered the original Surface and Surface 2, this is a full version of Windows 10 with an emulation layer that allows it to run traditional desktop apps from outside the Windows Store.

微软刚刚发布了Windows 10版本,该版本将在低功耗ARM硬件上运行。 与Windows RT不同, Windows RT是最初为Surface和Surface 2供电的Windows 8版本,它是Windows 10的完整版本,带有仿真层,允许其从Windows Store外部运行传统的桌面应用程序。

Microsoft为什么将Windows 10放在ARM上? (Why Is Microsoft Putting Windows 10 on ARM?)

ARM is a different type of processor architecture from the standard Intel x86 and 64-bit Intel architecture used on PCs today. (Even AMD produces chips that are compatible with Intel’s architecture.) Mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones—along with many other smaller devices—have ARM chips instead of Intel chips inside them.

ARM是与当今PC上使用的标准Intel x86和64位Intel架构不同类型的处理器架构。 (甚至AMD生产的芯片都与Intel的体系结构兼容。)iPhone,iPad和Android手机等移动设备以及许多其他较小的设备内部都装有ARM芯片,而不是Intel芯片。

Low-powered ARM PCs have some advantages over traditional x86 ones (which are most of the desktops and laptops we use today). ARM PCs have built-in LTE cellular connectivity, often offer better battery life than Intel and AMD CPUs, and the hardware is less expensive for manufacturers.

低功耗ARM PC相对于传统x86(我们今天使用的大多数台式机和笔记本电脑)具有一些优势。 ARM PC具有内置的LTE蜂窝连接,通常提供比Intel和AMD CPU更长的电池寿命,并且硬件对于制造商而言更便宜。

Microsoft would like Windows 10 to run on ARM hardware so it can reap those benefits. Sure, you probably won’t use an ARM desktop any time soon, but ARM could be a great choice for tablets, 2-in-1 convertibles, and even smaller laptops.

微软希望Windows 10在ARM硬件上运行,以便获得这些好处。 当然,您可能不会很快使用ARM台式机,但是ARM对于平板电脑,2合1敞篷车甚至是更小的笔记本电脑来说都是不错的选择。

Rather than creating a more limited version of Windows for this platform, like they did with the failed Windows RT, Microsoft has decided to release a full version of Windows 10 for ARM hardware, one that can even run traditional Windows desktop applications.

微软没有像在失败的Windows RT上那样为该平台创建更受限的Windows版本,而是决定发布用于ARM硬件的完整版Windows 10,甚至可以运行传统的Windows桌面应用程序。

The resulting devices are designed to be “Always Connected” and promise up to 20 hours of active use and 700 hours of “Connected Modern Standby”. And they can even run traditional Windows desktop software.

最终的设备被设计为“始终处于连接状态”,并承诺长达20小时的活跃使用时间和700小时的“已连接的现代待机状态”。 他们甚至可以运行传统的Windows桌面软件。

Microsoft first announced a partnership with Qualcomm to create Windows on ARM at WinHEC in December, 2016.

微软于2016年12月在WinHEC上首次宣布与高通公司建立合作伙伴关系 ,以在ARM上创建Windows。

它可以运行x86桌面程序 (It Can Run x86 Desktop Programs)

This isn’t just Windows RT all over again. Windows RT didn’t allow you to run traditional desktop software. It even blocked developers from compiling their desktop applications for ARM processors and offering them to users. Windows RT only allowed apps from the Windows 8 Store.

这不仅仅是Windows RT的全部。 Windows RT不允许您运行传统的桌面软件。 它甚至阻止开发人员为ARM处理器编译其桌面应用程序并将其提供给用户。 Windows RT仅允许Windows 8应用商店中的应用。

Windows 10 on ARM is completely different. This is the full Windows desktop experience. Microsoft has created a special emulator layer that allows traditional 32-bit desktop applications to run on ARM processors, so everything should “just work”. Microsoft even showed off a version of Windows 10 Professional on ARM, and said it supports all the usual advanced features you’d find on Windows 10 Professional.

ARM上的Windows 10完全不同。 这是完整的Windows桌面体验。 微软已经创建了一个特殊的仿真器层,该层允许传统的32位桌面应用程序在ARM处理器上运行,因此一切都应该“正常工作”。 微软甚至在ARM上展示了Windows 10 Professional版本,并表示它支持Windows 10 Professional上所有常见的高​​级功能。

The emulation works completely transparently to both users and the programs they run. It uses the same WOW (Windows on Windows) technology that Windows uses to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit versions of Windows today. However, the x86-to-ARM emulation happens entirely in software.

该仿真对用户及其运行的程序完全透明。 它使用与Windows在当今64位版本的Windows上运行32位应用程序相同的WOW(Windows上的Windows)技术。 但是,x86到ARM的仿真完全在软件中进行。

That software emulation could be an issue, however. While Microsoft demonstrated Windows 10 on ARM running the desktop version of Photoshop, saying that it “runs perfectly” on the Qualcomm processor, there’s almost certain to be some slowdown in demanding desktop applications compared to running them on an Intel or AMD system. We’ll have to wait to see performance benchmarks when Windows 10 on ARM is released.

但是,该软件仿真可能是一个问题。 虽然微软在ARM上演示了运行Windows 10 Photoshop桌面版的Windows 10,并说它在Qualcomm处理器上“完美运行”,但与在Intel或AMD系统上运行相比,几乎可以肯定,要求苛刻的桌面应用程序会有所放缓。 当Windows 10 on ARM发布时,我们将不得不等待查看性能基准。

Don’t get distracted by the emulator, however. This isn’t just an emulated Windows 10 operating system. The Windows kernel, hardware drivers, and all programs included with Windows are native ARM code. Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps from the Windows Store are also native ARM programs. The emulator is only used when running traditional x86 Windows desktop software.

但是,不要被模拟器分散注意力。 这不仅仅是一个模拟的Windows 10操作系统。 Windows内核,硬件驱动程序以及Windows随附的所有程序都是本机ARM代码。 Windows应用商店中的通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序也是本机ARM程序。 该仿真器仅在运行传统的x86 Windows桌面软件时使用。

Much of this information comes from a video Microsoft released during BUILD 2017.

这些信息大部分来自Microsoft在BUILD 2017期间发布的视频

对较旧的硬件设备的支持可能是一个问题 (Support for Older Hardware Devices May Be a Problem)

While Windows 10 on ARM can emulate traditional desktop applications, it won’t be able to install hardware drivers written for traditional x86 or x64 Windows operating systems. It will need ARM versions of those hardware drivers to support different hardware devices.

尽管ARM上的Windows 10可以模拟传统的桌面应用程序,但它无法安装为传统的x86或x64 Windows操作系统编写的硬件驱动程序。 它将需要这些硬件驱动程序的ARM版本以支持不同的硬件设备。

Microsoft promises that Windows 10 on ARM “will have great device support for USB peripherals using the in-box class drivers”. That’s great for modern USB peripherals. But read between the lines: Devices that aren’t supported by the built-in drivers won’t work. Printer utilities and other hardware driver utilities may not work, either. This could be an issue for older or more obscure hardware peripherals.

微软承诺ARM上的Windows 10“将使用内置类驱动程序对USB外设提供强大的设备支持”。 这对于现代USB外设非常有用。 但是请仔细阅读以下内容:内置驱动程序不支持的设备将无法工作。 打印机实用程序和其他硬件驱动程序实用程序也可能不起作用。 对于较旧或更模糊的硬件外围设备,这可能是个问题。

这些设备将随Windows 10 S一起提供 (These Devices Will Ship With Windows 10 S)

It doesn’t matter which type of CPU Windows is running on. You get a full Windows desktop experience with Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Professional, even if you’re using Windows 10 on ARM.

Windows运行哪种类型的CPU都无关紧要。 即使您在ARM上使用Windows 10,也可以获得Windows 10 Home或Windows 10 Professional的完整Windows桌面体验。

However, these Windows 10 on ARM devices will ship with Windows 10 S, just like Microsoft’s Surface Laptop. Windows 10 S is a more limited edition of Windows 10 that can only run software from the Windows Store. However, you can pay to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro and get the ability to install desktop apps, just as you can with Windows 10 S on Intel and AMD PCs. Until September 2018, the upgrade from Windows 10 S to Windows 10 Pro will be free.

但是,这些ARM设备上的Windows 10将与Windows 10 S一起提供 ,就像Microsoft的Surface Laptop一样。 Windows 10 S是Windows 10的受限版本,只能运行Windows应用商店中的软件。 但是,您可以付费升级到Windows 10 Pro并获得安装桌面应用程序的能力,就像在Intel和AMD PC上使用Windows 10 S一样。 直到2018年9月,从Windows 10 S到Windows 10 Pro的升级都是免费的。

In other words, with Windows 10, ARM is just another hardware platform that’s treated the same—it just needs an emulation layer to make that possible. Windows 10 S is a limited version of Windows that can run on any hardware platform.

换句话说,在Windows 10中,ARM只是被视为相同的另一个硬件平台-它只需要一个仿真层就可以实现。 Windows 10 S是Windows的受限版本,可以在任何硬件平台上运行。

何时发布? (When Will It Be Released?)

The first Windows 10 on ARM device will be the Asus NovoGo, which will shop before the end of 2017. Most of these ARM-based devices, such as the HP Envy x2 with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, will be available in Spring 2018.

ARM设备上的首个Windows 10将是Asus NovoGo,它将在2017年底之前购买。大多数基于ARM的设备(例如带有Qualcomm Snapdragon 835处理器的HP Envy x2)将于2018年Spring上市。


windows 10arm

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