unite_不要错过Unite Copenhagen –创意与技术融合的地方-程序员宅基地

技术标签: java  人工智能  编程语言  游戏  大数据  


Join us for Unite Copenhagen on September 23-26 to take part in one of the most highly anticipated tech conferences of the year. There’ll be exciting reveals of our latest real-time 3D technology, plenty of creators and developers to network with, and tons of ways to uplevel your Unity skills via dynamic workshops, expert sessions, and captivating pop-up talks.

加入我们,参加9月23日至26日举行的哥本哈根团结大会,参加本年度最受期待的技术会议之一。 我们将提供最新的实时3D技术,与之建立联系的众多创作者和开发人员,以及通过动态研讨会,专家会议和引人入胜的弹出式对话来提升Unity技能的大量方法,这些令人振奋地揭晓。

Fifteen years ago, Unity was born in Copenhagen; today it is the home of our biggest R&D office, where industry-leading technology comes to life. Celebrate with us in Denmark’s beautiful capital as we look to the future and see how innovators from across a myriad of creative sectors and industries are shaping the world with Unity’s real-time 3D.

15年前,Unity出生在哥本哈根。 今天,这里是我们最大的研发办公室的所在地,在那里,行业领先的技术得以实现。 在我们展望未来的过程中,在丹麦美丽的首都与我们一起庆祝,看看无数创意领域和行业的创新者如何利用Unity的实时3D塑造世界。

Register for your early-bird tickets today (offer ends Aug. 30).

立即注册您的早鸟票 (报价于8月30日结束)。


以下是一些Unite的亮点 (Here are just some of the Unite highlights)

我们将通过主题演讲拉开帷幕 (We’ll kick it off with our Keynote)

The excitement gets started on Monday, September 23 at 6:00 pm (CEST) with our Keynote, where many Unity leaders such as Joachim Ante, Timoni West, Danny Lange, and special guests will reveal the latest updates for ray tracing, Scriptable Render Pipeline, 2D toolset, connected games, simulation, and the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS).

激动人心的活动从9月23日(星期一)美国东部标准时间下午6:00开始,在我们的主题演讲中,Joachim Ante,Timoni West,Danny Lange等许多Unity领导人以及特别嘉宾将分享射线追踪的最新内容,可脚本化渲染管道,2D工具集,关联的游戏,模拟和面向数据的技术堆栈(DOTS)。

三天的参与和学习 (Three days of engagement and learning)

The week will be filled with full days of interactive sessions covering topics that will help you create, operate, and monetize, streamline workflows, build immersive AR and VR experiences, innovate in industries like automotive, AEC, and film, and much more. Here are just a few of the sessions to look forward to:

这一周将有整天的互动会议,内容涵盖主题,这些主题将帮助您创建,操作和货币化,简化工作流程,构建身临其境的AR和VR体验,在汽车,AEC和电影等行业进行创新等等。 以下是一些期待的会议:

  • High-Fidelity Lighting with Unity’s High-Definition Render Pipeline: In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to author lighting step by step in a pre-built high-fidelity scene.


  • Rapid Iteration Workflow for Mobile Developers: Learn how you can dramatically reduce iteration time and boost your productivity when developing for mobile with the brand-new Device Simulator and the updated Unity Remote app.

    适用于移动开发人员的快速迭代工作流程:了解使用全新的Device Simulator和更新的Unity Remote应用程序进行移动开发时,如何显着减少迭代时间并提高生产率。

  • Maximizing Visual Fidelity in VR with HDRP: Get ready to create high-fidelity immersive experiences for tethered VR headsets! Find out what kind of applications this unlocks as we show you how to plan and build your project.

    借助HDRP最大化VR中的视觉保真准备好为系留VR头戴式耳机创造高保真沉浸式体验! 当我们向您展示如何计划和构建项目时,请找出解锁的应用程序类型。

  • Presenting the 2020 Roadmap: Join Martin Gram, the Product Manager for our Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), and guests as they spotlight the latest DOTS features and unveil some exciting high-level systems coming your way in 2020.

    提出2020年路线图:与我们面向数据技术栈(DOTS)的产品经理Martin Gram一起,与会嘉宾共同聚焦DOTS的最新功能,并推出一些令人兴奋的高级系统,以供您在2020年使用。

  • Discover the Technology behind The Heretic: Unity’s award-winning Demo Team will showcase how Unity can power high-end visuals for game productions. Learn how they use the latest features in the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) and powerful customizations enabled by the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP).

    探索“异端”背后的技术:屡获殊荣的Unity演示团队将展示Unity如何为游戏产品提供高端视觉效果。 了解他们如何使用高清渲染管道(HDRP)中的最新功能以及脚本化渲染管道(SRP)启用的强大自定义功能。

  • Adapting Gameplay with FuturePlay: The key to growing your games business is to make optimizations in real-time. In this session, FuturePlay shows exactly how they used Unity to increase player retention.

    使用FuturePlay调整游戏玩法:拓展游戏业务的关键是实时进行优化。 在本节中,FuturePlay准确地展示了他们如何使用Unity来增加玩家保留率。

建立重要联系 (Make important connections)

You belong at Unite. It’s the ideal place to engage with other creators to share inspiration and insights. On the expo floor, you can connect with Unity engineers at the Answer Bar, speak with Made with Unity creators about their projects, or just relax and chat with your peers in the lounge and meetup areas.

你属于团结。 这是与其他创作者交流灵感和见解的理想场所。 在博览会上,您可以在答案栏中与Unity工程师联系,与Made with Unity创作者讨论他们的项目,或者在休息室和聚会区放松并与同行聊天。

让我们晚上团结起来……在小镇上 (Let’s Unite at Night … on the town)

On Wednesday, September 25, join Unity founders, partners, developers, artists and all kinds of Unity enthusiasts in downtown Copenhagen at some of our favorite local hotspots. We’ll keep the day’s conversations going – and start totally new ones – at venues like La Boucherie, Heidi’s Bier Bar, and The Drunken Flamingo.

9月25日,星期三,在我们最喜欢的当地热点地区,与哥本哈根市区的Unity创始人,合作伙伴,开发人员,艺术家和所有Unity爱好者一起。 我们将在La Boucherie,Heidi's Bier Bar和The Drunken Flamingo等场所继续进行日常对话,并开始全新的对话。

准备连接DOTS了吗? (Ready to connect the DOTS?)

On Monday, September 23, we’re hosting a dedicated Training Day on our high-performance multithreaded Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS). You’ll discover what DOTS means for the future of performance, and learn how to leverage the Entity Component System and data-oriented design for your projects.

9月23日,星期一,我们将在高性能多线程面向数据的技术堆栈 (DOTS)上举办专门的培训日 。 您将发现DOTS对未来性能的意义,并学习如何在项目中利用实体组件系统和面向数据的设计。

我们的合作伙伴也带来了他们的最新技术 (Our partners are bringing their latest tech too)

In our dedicated exhibition space, you can engage with a host of our partners such as Microsoft, Samsung, Nintendo, Magic Leap, Vuforia, Oculus, Nvidia, Bose, Intel, ARM, and Enjin.

在我们专用的展览空间中,您可以与许多合作伙伴合作,例如Microsoft,三星,任天堂,Magic Leap,Vuforia,Oculus,Nvidia,Bose,Intel,ARM和Enjin。

请随时关注更新 (Stay tuned for updates)

As we get closer to the event, we’ll be sharing more details. Check our Unite Copenhagen page for the most up-to-date information and complete session details. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

随着活动的临近,我们将分享更多细节。 查看我们的Unite Copenhagen页面,获取最新信息和完整的会议详细信息。 并且不要忘记在Twitter上关注我们。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/08/06/dont-miss-unite-copenhagen-where-creativity-and-technology-converge/


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