
技术标签: matlab  点云配准  MATLAB  开发语言  


clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import a point cloud from a plain text file (run type('') to see the contents of the file)
pc = pointCloud('');

% Generate a z-colored view of the point cloud

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Z-colored plot of point cloud', 'Color', 'w');



clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud with attributes (nx, ny, nz are the components of the normal vectors)
pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'nx' 'ny' 'nz' 'roughness'});

% Plot point cloud colored according to imported attribute 'roughness'
pc.plot('Color', 'A.roughness', ... % attribute to plot
        'MarkerSize', 5); % size of points

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Point cloud colored by roughness point attribute', 'Color', 'w');



clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Generate points on a unit sphere
[x, y, z] = sphere(100);
x = x(:); y = y(:); z = z(:);

% Import points and define a label for the point cloud
pc = pointCloud([x y z], 'Label', 'sphere');

% Plot point cloud
pc.plot('MarkerSize', 5);

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Sphere', 'Color', 'w');


clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud with attributes red, green and blue
pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'r' 'g' 'b'});

% Plot point cloud
pc.plot('Color', 'A.rgb', ... % rgb-colored plot
        'MarkerSize', 5); % size of points

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(110,0); title('RGB-colored point cloud', 'Color', 'w');



clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point clouds
scan1 = pointCloud('');
scan2 = pointCloud('');

% Plot
scan1.plot('Color', 'y'); % yellow
scan2.plot('Color', 'm'); % magenta

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Scan1 (=yellow) and scan2 (=magenta)', 'Color', 'w');


clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'nx' 'ny' 'nz' 'roughness'});

% Select a random subset of points'RandomSampling', 5); % select randomly 5 percent of points

% Export selected points to a plain text file with attributes
pc.export('', 'Attributes', {'nx' 'ny' 'nz' 'roughness'});

% Plot
pc.plot('MarkerSize', 5);

% Set title
title('Z-colored plot of a subset of points', 'Color', 'w');


注意:属性pc。Act是一个n × 1的逻辑向量,定义每个点是活动(true)还是不活动(false)。


clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Select a random subset of points'RandomSampling', 1); % select randomly 1 percent of points

% Calculate normals (normals are only calculated for the selected points)
pc.normals(2); % search radius is 2

% Plot point cloud and normals
pc.plot('MarkerSize', 5);
pc.plotNormals('Scale', 10, 'Color', 'y'); % lenght of normals is 10

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Normal vectors', 'Color', 'w');

 八、变换点云 Transform a point cloud

clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot original point cloud
pc.plot('Color', 'y');

% Transformation with a rotation angle of 100 gradians about the z axis
pc.transform(1, opk2R(0, 0, 100), zeros(3,1)); % opk2R generates a rotation matrix from 3 rotation angles (about the x, y and z axis / units = gradian!)

% Plot transformed point cloud
pc.plot('Color', 'm'); title('Point cloud transformation', 'Color', 'w');



clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Save to mat file'Lion.mat');

% Clear point cloud
clear pc;

% Load point cloud from mat file
pcLoaded = pointCloud('Lion.mat');

% Plot

% Set three-dimensional view and add title
view(3); title('Point cloud loaded from mat file', 'Color', 'w');


clc; clear; close; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('Stone.ply'); % attributes from ply file are imported automatically

% Create an indipendent copy of the object
pcCopy = pc.copy;

% Select a subset of points and remove all non active points'UniformSampling', 40); % uniform sampling with mean sampling distance of 40 mm

% Plot both point clouds
pc.plot('Color', 'y', 'MarkerSize', 1);
pcCopy.plot('Color', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 10);
view(3); title('Original point cloud (yellow) and filtered point cloud (red)', 'Color', 'w');


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