Source Code Collection for Reproducible Research_3dcartoon动漫sfm-程序员宅基地

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Source Code Collection for Reproducible Research


“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong” - Richard Feynman


"As a method for finding things out, science lives by its disdain for authority and its reliance on experimentation." - Chris Quigg


Welcome on this site about reproducible research in computational science (including signal processing, computer vision, machine learning and neural computation). This site is intended to share the source codes of the latest advances in various technical fields to the best of my knowledge. Only through Reproducible Research (RR), can we live up to the standard that hard-core science has established since Bacon and Newton. If you know of any release of the source codes that is missing from the list or any broken link, please kindly let me know.

Image denoising

Image coding

Image demosaicing

Image interpolation and Superresolution

Image segmentation/parsing and matting

Stereo matching& SfM

Image deblurring

Blind image deblurring


Image inpainting/Texture synthesis

PDE-based image processing

Image quality assessment



HDR imaging

Gradient-domain image processing

Video coding

Texture classification

Object recognition


Blind source separation

Image registration

Visual tracking


Manifold learning and embedding

Wavelets and frames

Compressed Sensing

Evolutionary computing

Networking Research

Biomedical Imaging

Data Clustering



Graphics, Cartoons&Motion


Machine learning&Neural Networks


Links to other communities' reproducible research effort

Links to reproducible books/journals/tutorials

Links to other individual's reproducible research

   Google Scholar is great but if most papers in computational sciences could be accessed along with their source codes (not just the citation number), the world for scientific researchers will be even better. It is easy to find papers these days but when can finding the source codes of a paper become easy too? I think Don Knuth's old-day advices on Literate Programming are still relevant to the current state of reproducible research. I believe that the time is ripe for significantly promoting experimentally reproducible research (just like mathemathetical theories - mentally reproducible research), and that we can best achieve this by considering research codes to be works of literature (so they can be easily picked up by other researchers). Only when the reproducibility of research in computational science becomes a default instead of a luxury, can we look further by standing on each other's shoulders.


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文章浏览阅读3.8k次,点赞9次,收藏28次。直接上一个工作中碰到的问题,另外一个系统开启多线程调用我这边的接口,然后我这边会开启多线程批量查询第三方接口并且返回给调用方。使用的是两三年前别人遗留下来的方法,放到线上后发现确实是可以正常取到结果,但是一旦调用,CPU占用就直接100%(部署环境是win server服务器)。因此查看了下相关的老代码并使用JProfiler查看发现是在某个while循环的时候有问题。具体项目代码就不贴了,类似于下面这段代码。​​​​​​while(flag) {//your code;}这里的flag._main函数使用while(1)循环cpu占用99

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