Hknsc - Hong Kong Network Service company Limited domain names open enhance their awareness of online trademark_hkssnetwork-程序员宅基地

技术标签: service  domain  resources  internet  network  statistics  

Since March 17 since the full liberalization,. HK domain and. Cn domain names by China 's enterprises vigorously pursued, according to HKNSC statistics, by AUG 23, China . HK type of domain name registration has been close to 300,000, while in, . HK domain and. Cn domain name and opening up, China 's all,. HK domain and. Cn domain name before the total only 13 million,. HK domain and. Cn domain name showed strong momentum of growth, therefore, Hong Kong Network Service company Limited said,. Cn domain name registration category for the goal of 1 million, what is given,. HK domain and. Cn domain name such a big driving force? »

Internet companies to elevate awareness of trademarks   hknsc

Internet domain names is the existence of enterprises, the enterprises are also trademarks of the Internet, according to well-known Internet service providers based on
Hong Kong Network Service company Limited
revealed that an increasing number of Internet users have begun to note that the value of trademarks, at present, China's enterprises and individuals registered . com domain name is about 900,000,. HK domain and. cn domain names open for more than a month since the new network nearly 40 percent of the enterprises. com users registered their own. HK domain and. cn domain, in particular Some medium and large enterprises, although they already have their own domain names, online business has been carried out very well, but more and more of these enterprises began to realize that domain names are not the official name of enterprises, but in cyberspace, With the domain name business is closely related to the image, where the domain of abuse or theft, the same will affect a wide range of enterprises, and enterprises related to the protection of domain names, amounts to protect their trademarks online.

The past, due to lack of awareness of domain names, some domestic famous enterprises such as Haier and Asia are, Changhong, all have first registered by others and therefore the international exchange of enterprises, exports and corporate image and so on a huge potential threat, if these Domain name was unethical business practices manipulation, at any time might bring undue credibility on the economy and the loss, before corporate spending huge amounts of money to buy the domain name was registered also seen examples, so in this. HK domain and . cn domain name registration, particularly active performance of large and medium-sized enterprises, some enterprises registered Although there is no opening. HK and. cn site, but the protection of the relevant domain names, online business-to show that the trademark value. It is reported that Sina, SOHU, such as domain names and trademarks awareness of the leading Internet portal also launched its own fast. HK and. Cn site.

Equally important to small businesses hknsc

For small businesses, many companies may not have their own trademarks online, as soon as possible to establish their own online trade mark may be more important, but. HK and. Cn it is a very rare opportunity, as the majority of small business awareness of information technology A late start, aware of the importance of domain names registered, some with their own domain names that match the more resources have been occupied in other businesses or individuals, therefore,. HK and. Cn provide the opportunity to become very valuable, because. And HK. Cn provide more resources to these on-line trademark awareness has just started business.

At the same time, small businesses also need to protect their trademarks online, recently,
Hong Kong Network Service company Limited
users received a complaint, this small company before the registration of the new network. Com, for simplicity's sake, use the company's acronym, Over the past two years, the company's online business progressing smoothly, in the small circle are known, but. HK and. Cn open, competitors use the company's full name registered. HK and. Cn domain name, engaged in similar business activities, once In the company's existing customers in the confusion, to the company's business to a certain extent. However, because the company is not well-known brands, the matter is not easy to solve.

Hong Kong Network Service company Limited reminded users that small businesses should also be quickly established and resources to protect their trademarks as soon as possible, the needs of domain name registration to their own hands, to reduce unnecessary economic disputes and to avoid possible losses

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